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Before the 'I take you to be...', you should take time out to carefully consider the kinds of wedding rings available for you in the store. It is not unusual to get overwhelmed by the impending occasion, and you end up not carefully weighing the options [of wedding rings] before you. Then you are thrown into a last-minute rush as you hope to get a ring that is befitting for the occasion. Bearing in mind that this is a ring for special event in one's lifetime, it is important to give utmost attention to some nitty-gritties. So, as you start making plan your wedding ring, you should ponder on these:

Choose the right metal

Choosing the right metal means spending money on what gives you satisfaction. Gold wedding rings are the most commonly used wedding rings among men- but getting a quality gold wedding ring surely comes at a high cost. Other popular options include rings made from platinum, silver and titanium- this relatively lighter.

Be mindful of the design

Finding the right metal is not enough; you should take a step further by looking out for a design that would best match your partner's band- this is an aspect you should not overlook even if your partner is opting for a ring with a different metal makeup. There are some rings that are simply plain while some other ones have artistic designs wrought on them.


You should not in any way sacrifice convenience for design. Whatever ring you will be settling for has to be one that is not bogus, and it should also fit your finger perfectly. Considering the fact that your wedding ring is one for a 'lifetime', you should pick a ring that gives you a comfortable feel.

Over and above all, you need to also put the durability of the ring into perspective, and this is usually dependent upon the material that the ring is made. You might probably not have the resources to reach out to a jeweller in order to have a bespoke wedding ring designed for you and your bride but you should not fail to define what you want [in a wedding ring] before visiting the jewelry store(s).